
My experience studying abroad with CET Colombia!

“CET Colombia students study race, identity, and ethnicity through the Afro-Colombian lens in Cali—a city with the second largest population of African descent in South America. The program’s curriculum, developed in consultation with Howard University, allows you to examine these dynamics through sociopolitical, economic, artistic, and historical representations of race in Colombia. And with out-of-class learning, local roommates, and direct-enroll classes that put you in a Colombian classroom, you grow your understanding both intellectually and experientially.”

To read more about the Afro-Colombian plight, send an email (to: requesting access to my Bachelor of Arts Thesis supervised by faculty at Howard University, College of Arts and Sciences Honors Association.

Research Topic: Disparidad Económica: Racial Discrimination in Santiago de Cali’s Labor Market

Comida y Bebida

🥳 Cumpliendo 20 Años 🎂

Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca

La Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE)

Museo de Arte Colonial y Religioso La Merced

Fin de Semana en Guachené, Cauca

Caminata Pico de Loro/de Oro en las montañas Farallones de Cali

Half-day hike in Pance-Jamundí, Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca

(2.800 metros sobre el nivel del mar // 2,800 meters above sea level)

San Cipriano, Buenaventura

Camping, Hiking, and Chasing Waterfalls with Curious Cows in Farrallones de Cali

Río Pance, Cali

Visita a La Universidad ICESI y su Centro de Estudios Afrodiaspóricos (CEAF) — #1 Private University in Cali

Conocimos a la Ministra De Educación Nacional de Colombia, Aurora Vergara Figueroa, cuando ella era la Directora del Centro de Estudios Afrodiaspóricos en ICESI

Semana Santa en Quibdó, Chocó

Viaje a Visitar el Trapiche El Palmar en Santander de Quilichao (Comuna Negra)

Learning about the realities and experiences of Afro descendants living in the north of Cauca.

Objetivos de: (1) Reconocer las experiencias productivas de una comunidad campesina afrodescendiente en el norte del Cauca; (2) Identificar los principales rasgos que caracterizan el proceso social organizativo de una comunidad afrodescendiente en el norte del Cauca; (3) Compartir las visiones sobre el territorio de una comunidad negra campesina en el contexto colombiano.

San Basilio de Palenque (Palenke) — Comuna Negra

Cartagena de Indias

La Boquilla — Comuna Negra

Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca

Can you see why they call Colombia “little Africa” ???

If you take anything away from this blog and photo album, take in the fact that Colombia has a beautiful Black population! Second to only Brazil in the Americas, Colombia has one of the largest African populations in the WORLD. I’m forever inspired by the social, political, and cultural resistance I witnessed in the Afro-Colombian community when joining ‘la lucha’ against human rights abuse and many other injustices.

Comment below if you have questions about Colombia or my trip!


Oaxaca, Mexico


New Orleans, Louisiana